This city has gone to the dogs

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Dog by basketball courtsMarch 16, 2016- The NYT reports, “The city’s Health Department issued an advisory on Tuesday that allows dogs to accompany human diners at restaurants with outdoor seating. The move follows the State Legislature’s passage last year of a bill that eased the rules regarding dogs and dining.

While the dogs must be licensed and vaccinated against rabies to take a place at the table, the authorities will not insist on seeing your pet’s papers. Instead, participating restaurants must post signs informing customers about the requirements.

“I’m so pleased that the City Department of Health threw dog lovers a bone,” State Assemblywoman Linda B. Rosenthal, who sponsored the state law, said in a statement.

The new rules will take effect in 30 days, just in time for the spring sunshine, said Dr. Mary T. Bassett, the city’s health commissioner.”

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