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January 24, 2013 By Steven E. Greer
BatteryPark.TV has extensively reported on the NY Waterway ferry polluting diesel engines, and the $7 Million granted by the state NYSERDA and city DOT for the purpose of retrofitting the engines. After claiming in 2011 that the new engines were “ordered”, the CEO of the company, Paul Goodman, is now claiming that Hurricane Sandy is the cause for none of the engines having been actually installed.
Where did the $7 Million dollars, awarded in 2006, go? Was it pocketed? Was it ever allocated? BatteryPark.TV is working with the state and city comptrollers to answer these questions.
To learn more about this anti-pollution program initiated in 2004, click here for the state presentation.
Related stories:
NY Waterway stalling on promised ferry boat engine replacements
Do these NY Waterway ferries look safe to you?
A letter to the EPA about the NY Waterway ferries polluting the children’s playgrounds
Polluting ferry boats to get new, less polluting, less noisy, engines
Hi Steve,
I am very grateful to you for your attention to this Ferry Boat issue.
Please let me know when you are all ready to go on the TV stations to report this issue and Paul Goodman’s noncompliance to his PROMISES for the past 3 years!
I believe you know who I am, as I am one of the 3 residents from Gateway who have been to most of those earlier meetings and just plain disgusted since nothing ever gets done and Paul Goodman is not a man of his words.
I have been told to be patient and not organize going on one of the channel news until we gave them ample time to address.
Do you think the time has come?
I have been and are still bothered everyday by the noise from 6:00 am until 9:40pm as well as the awful diesel fumes permeating into our apartments.
Please advise.
Regards, Jacqueline
lies lies and more lies….will believe it when i see it……can’t fool us anymore….thanks steve you are the man>>>>>