Yes. President John F. Kennedy Was Shot by a Second Assassin on the Grassy Knoll.

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August 6, 2024- by Steven Greer

February 11, 2025-

The JFK files are set to be released and Rep. Luna states that there were two shooters. I told you so last year.

February 12, 2025-

Wait a second. Why is this useful idiot @realannapaulina in charge of some congressional commission on how to release the JFK assassination files? Why is The House involved in filtering the information to us? These declassified reports should come straight from the Executive Branch. This is going to be another whitewash like the Warren Commission. That’s because Israel was behind the assassination of JFK. President Kennedy opposed Israel getting nuclear weapons. Every member of Congress other than @RepThomasMassie is controlled by the Israel lobbyists at AIPAC. Their puppets in Congress are going to whitewash this.

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