Artificial Intelligence will change the plots of movies

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March 15, 2025- by Steven Greer

I mentioned recently in an essay how, when I review old shows like the Sopranos, I can spot when technology has changed mankind. For example, there were no cell phones in the Sopranos. Characters still used payphones. They could get away with crimes that they would never be able to get away with now because everything is monitored.

Artificial Intelligence like Grok is the next thing that we will see alter behavior in movies and television. The jobs that are the basis for most movies (i.e., lawyers, finance, etc.) will be few in number as AI makes them obsolete. Shows about humans doing clever things by discovering law that the opponents did not know will all be a thing of the past. It’s all silly now. I can just go to Grok and learn more than any smart lawyer in movies. Also, any show that depicts a physical office will be one set in the past. Few people go to work in an office.

We have been in the dark ages of video content for about 10-year. The communists have killed Hollywood. But when that industry revives soon, it is going to be interesting to see what type of shows they make. I bet we see more shows about the past.

Christopher Nolan is filming an epic about the Odyssey. He will also likely be the director for the new James Bond films and it is rumored he will set the time back in the 1950s when the Cold War was raging.

I think we are going to see more reminiscing of the good ole days in film. Nobody likes the real world.

This gets to a much bigger issue, which is transhumanism, or replacing what humans do with robots and computers. This is going to make for a very dystopian near future. We will be nostalgic about when we actually showed up to work and laid our hands on things.

This is why I enjoy golf. It is as human as it gets. Golf is nothing but the human body, a stick, and a ball that is chased outdoors without electronic screens. It is also why I enjoy observing the ecosystem in my backyard. Those wild animals are not impacted by technology. I have 63-million year-old dinosaurs (i.e., Sandhill Crane, turtles, alligators) that visit me every day.

Elon Musk is a man of irony. He strives to save humanity. However, his businesses will destroy it.

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