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April 18, 2012
Speaker Silver, Senator Squadron
I am writing to on behalf of thousands of people in Battery Park City because the BPCA, Mayor’s office, and city DOT are completely unresponsive. We have a major noise problem down here involving loud jackhammers (see video of similar incident in 2009 at same location) that have somehow been granted working permits by the city DOT to operate throughout the early morning hours. In addition, they have road paving crews which also make “beep beep” loud noises whenever they back up. I understand that similar work is taking place in the Financial District.
In the case of this work taking place on West Thames and Battery Place, this is completely optional, non-emergent, work that does not need to take place overnight. The DOT seems to be operating without any accountability and exhibiting hubris.
We plan to start gathering local residents who cannot sleep due to this construction and protest on the scene. BatteryPark.TV will film this. If you would like to join us, please do so. Again, we appeal to you at the State level because our city is thumbing their collective noses at us.
Kind Regards
Steven Greer, MD
(Speaker Silver’s office replied informing us that he has already requested the DOT to cease approving work permits for hours after 6:00 PM. His letter can be viewed here.)
Update: 10:22 PM, April 18
The construction crews were not present for the first time in weeks. The work is not completed, so that is not the explanation. It is likely that the DOT got the message.
Thanks once again, Dr. Greer for intervening and acting on behalf of all BPC residents. The lack of response from BPCA is unacceptable. They do not live here. (Except for 1 member who recently joined)
My condo faces West Thames and the noise for the past 2 nights has been unbearable and continued past 2 am. My husband is just home from the hospital recuperating from major surgery and could not sleep. How can this happen in a residential area? And who is the inconsiderate idiot that authorized it? Someone needs to be held accountable and I want to know who that person is.
Phil Eng runs the District 11 city DOT and gives the permits. He is responsible and email him at
Mayor Bloomberg us ultimately in charge of this as well.
Also, as you mentioned, our BPCA leadership is AWAL
Update: 10:22 PM, April 18
The construction crews were not present for the first time in weeks. The work is not completed, so that is not the explanation. It is likely that the DOT got the message.
I wrote to Phil Eng, Mayor Bloomberg and Gail Horowitz but no one had the courtesy to reply. Very pathetic.
I am sitting in my condo listening to the jack hammering on this beautiful spring Sunday, and I am actually thankful that at least they are no longer doing it all through out the night. Thanks to you, Steve!