A plan to save the ducklings

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June 2, 2010

As previously reported, the waterfall pond by the Irish Hunger Memorial has ten ducklings stranded in it that were placed there by humans. They lack adequate food and nesting ground. Approximately nine have died in the pond so far.

BatteryPark.TV noticed on the evening of June 1st that the water level of the pond had risen several inches and flooded their circular spot of land creating an even more urgent situation. Searching for an animal protection agency, BatteryPark.TV called the local NYFD firehouse, who referred us to the ASPCA, who referred us to the DEC, who referred us to a private volunteer animal shelter run by Eileen Jones. Ms. Jones spoke with the Battery Park Conservancy’s Tessa Huxley and arranged for an evaluation of the situation on the evening of June 2nd.

Ms. Jones and a member of the Battery Park Conservancy discussed several options ranging from removing the birds, to building a ramp allowing them to leave the pond, to doing nothing. The plan that was agreed upon was to build small floating platforms to ensure dry land for the ducklings, and then Ms. Jones would provide food for the birds with instructions to the park staff on how to administer it. Stay tuned.

Photo of the ducklings resting in a new grass shelter after the round plot of ground became flooded.

Update: June 6. The duck family taking well to the new platform

July 3: The ducklings are outgrowing their small square and will be flying soon. All ten are still alive thanks to daily feedings by the BPCA parks staff. The father duck has lost his shiny green head feathers as is normal and still splashes down daily. Mother duck often watches from above on the railing of the waterfall.

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One Response to A plan to save the ducklings

  1. Suzanne Temple says:

    Thank you BatteryPark.TV for noticing the rising waters. Thank you Ms. Jones and all who watched out for these friendly fowl. Thank you for including this sort of news in the BatteryPark. TV newsletter!

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