BPC has the best outdoor dining in NYC

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Amada outdoor scaffold 2Update June 6, 2016- Amada’s outdoor seating continues to humiliate Parm next door. Amada smells like a Michelin-star restaurant brewing.

Amada outdoor scaffold 1

Amada outdor seatingMay 7, 2016- Amada’s opening should be a Harvard Business School case study in how to properly open, contrasted with next door Parm. Amada has nice outdoor searing with an awning. Parm has nothing but ugly paper in the window making it look like it is still under construction.

Now that Amada, El Vez, North End Grill, all of the shops in Goldman Alley, Le Pain Quotidien, Le District, P.J. Clarke’s, SouthWestNY, the joints on South Cove, Inatesso, and Pier-A all have outdoor seating with great views, BPC could have the best street dining in all-five boroughs.

El Vez outdoor seating sunset 6-21-2014 summer solsticePier A south facade night

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