Amazing Similarities Between the First Civil War and Second One Going On Now

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November 19, 2023- by Steven Greer

I stumbled upon an obscure documentary series on Amazon. It is a series of lectures by a University of Virginia professor and expert on the Civil War. I watched the introductory lecture. Of note, these lectures were filmed back in the 1990s. Therefore, the professor is not biased by current events.

Congress was a mess before the Civil War erupted in 1861, just as it is now. Because there were many more times the people in the North, making the House not representative of the South, the only chamber of congress that mattered was the Senate. In order to keep parity, every new state that was added, as the country expanded westward, alternated between slavery and free states.

Interestingly, in 1856, Representative Preston Brooks, a pro-slavery Democrat from South Carolina, used a walking cane to attack Senator Charles Sumner, an abolitionist Republican from Massachusetts. He pummeled him so badly that he could not sit in the Senate chamber for three years (What were the other members of congress doing? It is like people today who film crimes and do nothing to intervene.). Newspapers in the North stated that the South could not tolerate the fee speech of Sumner. Brooks was not punished by Congress despite the obvious crime.

Today, Democrats shot Republicans on a baseball field (and in Las Vegas). The J6 Committee was a flagrant hoax and act of treason, and yet no one will be punished by congress. Nothing has changed. None of this swampery is new.

Southerners in the 1850’s had a reputation for violence like the rednecks of today. I live down here in Florida. It is the same. Every Northerner who moves down here comments on how crazy it is on the highways.

There was extreme polarization back then as there is today. Religions divided into the Northern Baptist and Southern Baptist, for example.

Back then, there was also this concept of “woke”. The entire abolitionist movement was driven by Northerners who had become awakened to various injustices in the world, including slavery. In the South, it was a bunch of good old boys who wanted to keep the status quo.

Back then, just as it is now, all of those woke Northerners were hypocrites. They were extremely racist. They simply had the luxury of industries other than agriculture to live from, but the North prospered from the cotton and slavery of the South. They had blood on their hands as much of the Southern plantation owners did.

What I found most interesting is how the Supreme Court of the United States was also a joke back then, as it is today. The Dred Scott decision was pro-slavery. It was the result of Southern special interests preempting actual law, similar to the cowardly Supreme Court of today that refused to do its job after the 2020 election.

Very importantly, no one foresaw the Civil War breaking out. People did not sit around and read the newspapers anticipating it. The war just happened.

That is occurring now too. Despite all of the evidence, most people today seem to be living in a state of false security. We really are on the edge of World War III. China’s actions this week clearly show that they have designs on taking over the world. As RFK said, we are sleepwalking into WW3.

It will not be a Civil War this time. It will be a World War.

The institutions that were supposed to protect the republic had all broken down in the 1850’s. It is just like today. Same as it ever was, to quote David Byrne.

Update 11-19-2023-

Amazing. The election of 1860 is so similar to 2024. Lincoln was not even on the ballot in the South as they are trying to do to Trump. Both parties were highly polarized with multiple candidates, like Bobby Kennedy, etc. (watch here)

Update 11-29-2023-

During the Civil War, Lincoln’s top military leader, George B McClellan, was a flat out traitor and sympathizer to the south. He was a Democrat who wanted the bring the Confederates back.

McClellan was intentionally stalling and not wanting to fight. He could have easily defeated General Lee in 1862. Instead, he made unnecessary retreats, which caused the war to last until 1865.

500,000 lives could have been spared the brutal deaths those soldiers endured. It was a gruesome war. If one did not get blown apart, one died of gangrene and other illnesses.

After the elections of 1864, Lincoln finally fired McClellan. Lincoln replaced him with Major-General Ambrose E. Burnside, and then replaced Burnside with Ulysses S Grant.

Delusional, McClellan ran against Lincoln in the 1864 election, and was easily defeated.

Does that sound familiar?

That’s exactly what we saw with Trump. The entire four years of his first term were sabotaged by all of his senior cabinet. Trump, like Lincoln, was too stupid to see it.

Like McClellan, the Trump cabinet complicit in the coup of 2020 thought that they would be politically popular too. For example, we saw Mike Pence trying to run for president, until reality hit him in the face. We also see the rest of them on CNN acting like they are not criminals.

Update December 20, 2023-

I am wrapping up this 48-part academic series on the Civil War. This pretty much sums up how incredibly similar it was back then to the Democrat party of today. Then, as it is now, the Democrats were/are treasonists trying to end democracy.

Update March 5, 2023-

I previously wrote this essay about the amazing similarities between the Civil War era and what we are going through now. However, that history series I was watching did not cover the aftermath of the war and the Ulysses S. Grant presidency.

I am now rewatching this History Channel series about Grant, produced by Leo DiCaprio with big-budget cinematography and acting. It spans the war period and then covers his presidency (after four years of President Andrew Johnson). Those 12-years after 1865 have parallels to current day.

We now have a federal government actively encouraging attacks on our own country by importing illegal aliens who are violent criminals, orchestrating chaos by not prosecuting criminals and sabotaging elections, etc. That is similar to what happened under Andrew Johnson.

Johnson was a Democrat, which was the party of the Confederacy and pro-slavery. Lincoln added him to the ticket to help him win the election of 1864. Like so many members of the Trump administration, Johnson was a backstabbing traitor to Lincoln and his legacy.

Andrew Johnson was actively aiding what remained of the confederate army by allowing them to organize militias known as the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan put a stop to blacks voting and becoming members of Congress. For a brief time, many former slaves became elected to local and federal government. The KKK stopped that by raiding black town hall gatherings and lynching those freed slaves. The KKK is like President Obama’s ISIS and other acts of terrorism against Americans.

Ulysses Grant was still in charge of the army under Johnson. However, he had his hands tied and could not go after the KKK. Once Grant became president, he quickly put a stop to it all. That reminds me of how Trump so easily extinguished ISIS when Obama made it seem like it was impossible.

The South under President Grant reminds me of the Deep State today. It was a pervasive force undermining Grant’s efforts. Just as President Trump was backstabbed by his Deep State, Ulysses S Grant was thwarted by the Democrats on the north and south who did not want true reconstruction.

The big difference between General Grant and President Grant is that the rules are different in war versus politics. Under wartime, he could simply conquer his opponent and kill them or take them prisoner. He had unchecked power. As President Grant, he did not have the option to kill millions of southerners. Therefore, he had to live with the enemy. That enemy reorganized and sabotaged him. That enemy then is still the modern Democrat party of today. The DNC has been the one of treason for 180 years, literally.

With Grant, when the midterm elections put the opposing Democrats in control of the House, that chamber began to harass him with scandals, just as the Pelosi House did to Trump. With Grant, his cabinet was stocked full of corrupt people and he was blind to it all. That is exactly what happened with Trump.

Both Grant and Trump became hated by the Deep State for being true reformers. Grant has been mostly ignored by the history books. Trump has been maligned by the Democrat press.

Few people today could even list President Grant as a former POTUS. I am from Ohio and Grant is not a well-known figure. Lincoln gets most of the credit for ending slavery, but Grant did all of the real work. Lincoln was actually a pretty lame president, in my view. He violated the constitution, abused his power, and was not even a strong advocate for abolition until it was politically safe. The emancipation proclamation under Lincoln did nothing. The tough work was the reconstruction period, which Grant attempted (reconstruction was abandoned after Grant left office because of the lingering racism of the DNC). The 13th through 15th Amendments were passed after Lincoln was gone and under Grant’s reign, either has head of the army or POTUS. With the Deep State of today in full control of the legacy media, it seems quite certain that President Trump too will be recorded poorly. Trump will go down as the worst human being to ever live unless he wins the election in 2024.

My ID for Grant hospital

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