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August 17, 2014- by Steven E. Greer, MD
It was my pleasure to interview the mystery man who has been cleaning the weeds along the highway in Battery Park City. Tessa Huxley’s well-funded parks conservancy refuses to do this job. She has even stopped caring for the large planters by the West Thames dog run, all due to a political dispute with the HRPT.
Meanwhile, individuals who give a damn are doing the job that our government should be doing. BatteryPark.TV was tipped off that the weeds by the West Thames crossing were chopped down by a volunteer. We saw him today and did an impromptu interview.
The man’s name is Michael Carthins. He has made some mistakes in life and is now involved in the Ready Willing & Able group doing community service.
This type of community service is one function Friends of BPC will be helping with, as well. Email us to get involved.
Tessa Huxley is an angry piece of work.