Bernie Sanders either outright defeated, or essentially tied, Hillary in every one of the 6 states last night except for super-corrupt New Jersey

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Untitled-2June 8, 2016- Bernie Sanders either outright defeated, or essentially tied, Hillary in every one of the 6 states last night except for super corrupt New Jersey. This is an amazing feat considering the fact that the Associated Press ran a non-story about Hillary winning it all, the day before the primaries, which suppressed voter turnout.

I am also suspicious of these delayed California votes that make it impossible for the morning papers to report that Hillary tied or lost. Why is there only 83% of the vote in? Don’t be surprised to see Bernie even this up when it is all counted.

Bernie vows to stay in the race, as he should. This is good for Trump, of course. The Democrats have become the dysfunctional party rather than the GOP. What an amazing turn of the table.

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4 Responses to Bernie Sanders either outright defeated, or essentially tied, Hillary in every one of the 6 states last night except for super-corrupt New Jersey

  1. battery park dad says:

    Not the case. Hillary won the popular vote in 4/6 states and won handily in California. She now has more delegates, more state wins and more votes in total than Sanders. Even eliminating the SuperDelegates she wins. It’s time for Bernie, to do the respectful thing for the party and work to defeat the real enemy . . .

  2. Editor says:

    In a completely rigged system with thew media doing every dirty trick in the book, like Russian TV does, Bernie still has a comparable popular vote. he should have won NY too, but Cuomo flat out rigged the primary to exclude hundreds of thousands of young Bernie voters in Brooklyn.

  3. battery park dad says:

    I respect your enthusiasm, but the votes just aren’t there. Hillary: 15.5M; Bernie 11.8M. That isn’t even close.

  4. divorcecoach says:

    I concur. From the onset..she believes this is hers and the party owes it to her. Sadly, the press just has lost their integrity.

    The delegates, even with the ploy to disenfranchise 6 state voters on Tuesday is a mere 375 greater. NY, Arizona, Nevada…. a complete voting mess. Rhode Island, PR….closed voting locations…debates on nights where the least people will watch…there’s no stretch here that this has been rigged since the onset.

    Quite obviously the super delegates..will decide…super delegates who we didn’t elect, super delegates who decided before any was in the race….friends of Hillary…so our choices….

    A reality TV blowhard or finally the female choice above all other females, who is under FBI investigation. and in the end, unless she and the DNC stop spitting in Bernie supporters faces, insulting them with the lies and reckless obvious corruption, she can’t win against Donald.

    Hell she can barely eek by the virtually unknown 74 year old. The rest of the world is astounding how far we have fallen.

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