BPCA holds surprise meeting without public notice, minimizing attendance

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December 20, 2011

The BPCA, run by Chairman Bill Thompson and CEO Gayle Horwitz, recently cancelled a scheduled board meeting in the wake of numerous controversies surrounding Pier A and Asphalt Green sports center construction delays, and the controversial mass firings of 19 BPCA employees. The Chairman was also not present at the recent “Town Hall” meeting, and the CEO cancelled at the last minute her personal appearances for the Christmas Tree lighting.

The BPCA rescheduled the cancelled meeting for 10:00 AM, today, without any prior notification to the public or the Community Board. No member of the CB1, to our knowledge, attended this meeting. Many on the board have questions they want to ask of the BPCA. Staff at the CB1 told us that they had no knowledge of the meeting today.

The BPCA media relations person, Anne Fenton, did not reply to our questions about the nature of the meeting. One staff member of the CB1 suspected that Leticia Remauro, who was among the fired 19, was possibly going to speak to the BPCA in an attempt to gain a better severance package or pension for some of the 19 members.

A local resident who was somehow notified, did attend. She wrote us, “Five members of the BPC 19, who had been laid off on Nov. 9, showed up for the meeting. Immediately after calling the meeting to order, Bill Thompson called it into executive session, which meant that all members of the public had to leave the room. The executive session lasted for around two hours. When it was over and we were allowed back in the room, Gayle Horwitz read some amendments to a Pier A contract into the record and the chairman said that he was asking the staff of the Authority to draw up a severance policy that would be presented to him within the next 10 days and would apply retroactively as well as going forward. Then he adjourned the meeting.”

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One Response to BPCA holds surprise meeting without public notice, minimizing attendance

  1. Citizen of bpc says:

    Such bullshit and fraudulent ways continue.
    Thompson needs to resign!!! Mixed interests!

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