BPCA leadership downplays community concerns at March 8 meeting

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March 8, 2012  By Steven Greer, MD

The BPCA held an official meeting today, with Chairman Bill Thompson and CEO Gayle Horwitz present. After discussing accounting issues related to the non-profit status of the BPC Parks Conservancy, CEO Horwitz began her “President’s Report”. She went over two issues that were of paramount importance to the community at the last town hall meeting: dog excrement on the sidewalks and the growing problem of rats in BPC.

The first astonishing thing seen in the video is that Chairman Thompson seems to have no recollection of the rat problem whatsoever.  He asked, “Is there a significant rat problem?”, to which Horwitz replied, “No.”. He then proceeded to reiterated, “There is “A” (as in singular, just one rat) rat problem?”.

Parks Conservancy Director Tess Huxley chimed in by explaining how they paid unspecified amounts to an “authority on rats” to advice the BPCA on the problem. Horwitz explained the trash compactors that BPCA has installed.

Next, Horwitz briefly addressed the dog excrement on the sidewalks issues, and downplayed it as not unique to BPC, but rather as a “citywide problem”. She held up fliers that have been passed out to people on the esplanade and implied that the dog excrement problem was under control. This is in contrast to comments posted on BatteryPark.TV and other local sources.

After the three-minute “Presidential Report”, Chairman Thompson expelled the public and press by calling an executive session. The meeting ended with everyone laughing and seeming to think that the rat and dog excrement problems were solved.

This disconnect between reality and the beliefs held by the top leadership of the BPCA are due, in part, to the fact that no one on the board of the BPCA lives in BPC. In addition, Chairman Thompson has not attended any town hall or community board meeting to date.

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5 Responses to BPCA leadership downplays community concerns at March 8 meeting

  1. Vernon Hendrix says:

    I have been living in Battery Park – South End Avenue – for 4 years and have never seen a rat – except for the subway. Where are they? I am out on the streets and esplanade frequently every day and night.

    I am more concerned about some draconian measure being put in place to solve this problem – if there is one – that would poison pet dogs, squirrels, birds, etc.

  2. admin says:

    Sounds like the jokes on bpc? SMiles and laughing … looks like Mueller doesn’t enjoy being on camera. Is that because guilt lurks inside of him as well. Glad to see major issues are pushed aside.


  3. John says:

    To Vernon Hendrix. It is simply impossible that you “have lived in BPC for 4 years and never seen a rat”. That’s bullshit

  4. Maureen Barry Somerville says:

    What an insult! These people sit in their smug towers and don’t give a rat’s tail about BPC. Horowitz doesn’t have the brains god gave a goat! “A” rat problem. What an idiot. We need people who live in BPC to join this committee of jokers.

  5. adam says:

    Maureen said it

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