BPCA’s person in charge of park activities, Craig Hudon, gets an earful

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June 3, 2015- At the CB1 meeting last night, the BPCA’s Park Conservancy events coordinator, Craig Hudon, gave a brief presentation about the activities he arranges. Past complaints led the BPCA to conduct a sloppy survey, which few people in the community received, asking for suggested new activities. Based on this, they added a yoga class, which Mr. Hudon seemed to be quite proud of.

BatteryPark.TV then informed Mr. Hudon that his staff who oversees the Stuyvesant Community Center sleep on the job and let the teens take over the basketball courts. He seemed utterly unaware of the problem.

We then suggested that more tours of the expensive horticultural exhibits in the parks would be appreciated. This led to many members of the CB1 and audience agreeing, expressing their disappointment in the lack of such programs in the wake of the mass firing of park staff.

To learn more about upcoming events in the parks, their website has a partial list.

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