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Category Archives: Film Theater and TV
NBC’s Dr. Nancy Snyderman gets it wrong
March 15, 2011 NBC’s Dr. Nancy Snyderman gets it wrong when she tells America that they are essentially dumb for buying potassium iodide pills to prevent possibly radiation exposure and thyroid cancer. httpv:// Related, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly singled out … Continue reading
Posted in Doctors, Dentists, Film Theater and TV
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“Doctor” Drew has Narcissistic Personality Disorder
April 6, 2011 “Doctor” Drew Pinskey has given up all pretenses of professionalism and is now diagnosing celebrities based on short TV sound bites. Most notably, he did this with Charlie Sheen recently. The academic psychiatry community frowns upon this. … Continue reading
Leno revives The Tonight Show after Conan leaves
February 4, 2011 Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien are not on speaking terms, but Conan should be blaming himself for why his Tonight Show failed. A chart of the ratings lat year showed a huge dip once Conan took over. … Continue reading
It’s about jobs, stupid
February 12, 2011 HBO’s Bill Maher suggested to guest Arianna Huffington that President Obama has the 2012 election “in his pocket” because the list of GOP wannabes is so lame. She correctly replied that the high unemployment rate is untenable … Continue reading
Bill Maher says that Glenn Beck and Palin have peaked
February 5, 2011 On February 4, Bill Maher made an interesting observation on his HBO show. He said that Glenn Beck’s comments on the spread of unrest on Northern African were embarrassing even for Fox viewers and that Sarah Palin … Continue reading
Charlie Sheen’s House of Horrs
March 1, 2011 httpv:// (more…)
Posted in Film Theater and TV
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Harvest Moon
September 25, 2010 There was a rare Harvest Moon a few days ago, so it is fitting to show this montage of images from the 2010 season in the BPC Community Gardens. See if you spot any gardens you know. … Continue reading
Posted in Film Theater and TV, Wildlife
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BPC is the star of Wall Street 2
September 27, 2010 The #1 film at the box office this weekend was “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps”, the sequel to the Academy Award winning film of 1987, Wall Street. Most of the film was shot in Downtown Manhattan, and … Continue reading
Jackass 3D and Big Air’s Mat Hoffman: An American lunatic
August 17, 2010 The upcoming masterpiece of film called “Jackass 3D” will feature a BMX daredevil, Mat Hoffman, who has broken more bones than Evil Knievel and has suffered at least 70 concussions. He wears a shoulder harness because his … Continue reading