Catherine McVay Hughes gets a demotion

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Hughes and Galoway at LeFrak meetingApril 11, 2014- Finally, the CB1 announced the long overdue new appointees to the Community Board 1. There was no news in the announcement since BP.TV previously exclusively reported on the new additions.

However, it was very interesting to discover in a blast email that Anthony Notaro was promoted to Vice-Chair of the entire CB1. This can also be interpreted as a stripping of some authority from Chair Catherine McVay Hughes.

BP.TV previously reported that Ms. Hughes was fighting for her job with the election of Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, who was in charge of this latest round of new appointees. Hughes was made CB1 Chair by elected officials no longer in office.

Major new addition to CB1: Andrew Zelter

CB1′s Catherine McVay Hughes fights for her job

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