CB1’s Anthony Notaro is a no-show for the marina rally

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December 15, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

Anthony Notary, the same deadbeat who refused to pass a CB1 resolution in support of Mike Fortenbaugh to continue operating the North Cove Marina, was a no-show tonight for the rally to support Fortenbaugh’s operation. BatteryPark.TV has been the only news source to accurately report that Mr. Notaro has been conspiring with the BPCA to allow Brookfield Properties to take over the marina.

Also not in attendance at the rally were any of the other CB1 members or Martha Gallo, the only BPCA board member who lives in BPC. In addition, no elected official, such as Sheldon Silver, Daniel Squadron, or Margaret Chin bothered to show up. They know the hand that feeds them is Big Real Estate and not little guys like Mike Fortenbaugh. Recall, those same elected officials wrote toothless letters of support for Mr. Fortenbaugh but did nothing in the form of legislation or resolutions.

How does Anthony Notaro get these important community service positions, such as the “Chairman” of the BPC subcommittee of CB1, and head of the NYPD First Precinct Community Affairs committee? After all, when he ran for the top spot in CB1, no one voted for him, literally.

Mr. Notaro is appointed to these leadership positions by the elected officials, such as Sheldon Silver, who want him to put a false pretense of community approval on their dirty deeds that favor this deep pocket special interests. In this case, for example, donors to Governor Cuomo want the marina for reasons that will only boost their personal wealth, and Mr. Notaro was told to not give a supporting resolution to Mr. Fortenbaugh.


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