City closes strip clubs by going after liquor licenses

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New York DollsMarch 3, 2014- The NYT reports “The strip club industry is under broad attack in New York, as opponents have embraced a startlingly effective strategy: Spare the strip clubs, but punish their liquor.

In the last several years, community leaders have found increasing success petitioning the State Liquor Authority to revoke the liquor licenses of numerous strip clubs in New York and deny the applications of new clubs. The opponents cite crime, noise or other quality-of-life issues, or highlight a club owner’s lack of qualifications or possible criminal ties.”

This makes one wonder then, how does the infamous strip club so close to Ground Zero keep getting liquor licenses rubber stamp renewed by the Tribeca committee of CB1?

New York Dolls sued by strippers

Distasteful strip club ads plastered on South End Avenue

Scrap the entire Community Board system

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