Clairvoyance, literally

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June 28, 2020- I re-read my 2018 essay, below, which is the keystone to my book, Rules to Stop Radicals. I was stunned, even though I wrote it, to see how current events were so well predicted two-years ago.

For example, I predicted the rise of communist fascists in 2018, long before anyone dreamed on mobs in the street. I saw it brewing. I warned that failing to stomp out radicalism would embolden the fascists. That is what has happened.

This is clairvoyance, literally.

February 17, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD

Saul Alinsky’s playbook for liberals called “Rules for Radicals”, published in 1971 during a time when radicals were engaging in real terrorism, including planting explosives that killed people, became the bible for the left. Today, the “resistance” StopTrump anarchists are still using it.

Rules for Radicals is an offensive strategy for promoting radical agendas and overthrowing establishment governments. In contrast, our “Rules to Stop Radicals” is more like a football defensive coach’s playbook. We have no desire to force our agenda upon anybody. We simply aim to curtail the cancer of fascism and protect free democracy.

Fascism thrives when it is not challenged. Like the Wizard of Oz, the perceived powers of fascists become exaggerated when people cower in fear.

However, most fascists are really nothing but rejects of society with little power, money, or intelligence. They are weak and stupid. It is easy to stop them.

The rapid demise of Harvey Weinstein, and the legions of other men in Hollywood who use fear of the blacklist to control passive actors, is a good example of how quickly a fascist regime can be toppled. It took just one journalist, Ronan Farrow, willing to speak up.

Rule 1: Follow the Money

Radical fascists always appear in the form of “grass roots” young, ideologically motivated, college kids, or civil rights activists, or women’s rights activists, etc. In reality, these Social Justice Warriors are nothing but pawns who enjoy the feeling of power found in joining a scary group. The puppet masters doing the real organizing for these wimps are well-funded extensions of the Democrat party, or some liberal plutocrat like George Soros (The same is true for the NRA and gun activists on the right. Radicals are all the same.).

Whenever there is a boycott of advertisers on Brietbart News or Fox News, for examples, there is some bigger organization pulling the strings. Whenever there is a coordinated media campaign to push a fascist agenda, some bigger group is behind it.

One needs to find the sources of money for these fake grass roots (AKA AstroTurf) efforts to stop them. That is Step #1. Otherwise, one is fighting a decoy for an enemy.

Rule 2: Cut Off the Money

Once the sources of money to Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Pink Pussy Hats, or Border Security Outragers is identified, it can be cut off. Shining sunlight on the sources of money disinfects quickly.

When the sources of funding for a large non-profit (e.g. Planned Parenthood,, or are identified, they can possibly be choked off. If any sort of shady transactions occur in an attempt to conceal the money sources, then state attorneys general and federal attorneys can swiftly act to shut them down, if the people demand it (although most oversight officials, such as AG’s, are themselves part of the problem).

Public boycotts of any company providing funds to radical non-profits can be effective as well. Let the consumer decide by exposing the donations to the public.

If a billionaire is behind an effort, then determine how that billionaire makes his money. If his wealth is derived from Wall Street, then he likely has pressure points that regulators can push. If the person is the owner of, then the competition to Amazon, such as Walmart, can be of help. The FTC might intervene as well to break up a monopoly.

Rule 3: Make an Example Out of Individual Fascists and Anarchists

When an “artist” posts a picture in a window gallery of President Trump being beheaded, for example, then that person should be arrested. When a rioter becomes violent, punish them with prison. If judges go soft, then get the judges impeached. If a federal employee of the Deep State leaks classified information to the fascist press, then prosecute them.

Individuals engaging in violent fascism can be isolated and shunned. Employers should be made aware of the activities of the radicals.

Rule 4: Go After Radical Propagandists in the Media

The only real weapon that the fascists have is control over the media and entertainment industries. As the readership of papers and viewers on TV news wane, their power fades.

When a “news” outlet is clearly producing propaganda, expose their methods. Explain the bias at the top of the organization (e.g. David Rhodes, President of CBS News being the brother of top Obama aid Ben Rhodes). Bust crooked reporters for lying or making up “sources”, etc.

More importantly, all of the propaganda outlets survive only because they are part of larger corporation, such as Amazon, Comcast, or Disney. News operations alone are  money losers. Go after the parent companies subsidizing the propaganda outlets or force them to divest ABC News from Disney, for example.

Rule 5: Go After Intellectual Leaders of the Radicals

Our universities are cesspools of radical teachers. If a university has lopsided fascist policies intolerant of conservative speakers while allowing anyone from the left to say anything, then cut off federal funding. Private universities, such as Harvard, have 30% or so of their budget provided by federal grants.

Rule 6: Drain the Swamp

Federal and State employees are almost 100% liberal democrats. The top five layers of management in every federal agency should be purged.

Rule 7: Do Not Ever Abuse Power

In the course of enacting these rules to stop radicals, the fascist-fighting-freedom-lovers should take great efforts to not be seen as abusing power themselves by attacking dissenters.

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