CNBC clown Jim Cramer wants the military to round up US citizens who are not vaccinated

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November 29, 2021- by Steven E. Greer

Holy cow. I just watched the ending of Jim Cramer show on CNBC and then some of MSNBC. What Jim Cramer said was stunning.

First of all, Cramer blamed all of the rise in COVID cases on the fact that people are not getting vaccinated, totally ignoring the obvious evidence that people who are vaccinated are the ones getting sick and spreading the disease. Then, using that false tenet, he recommended that the military start rounding up people and forcing them to get vaccinated, just like they’re doing in Australia. He then made the false analogy of this COVID vaccine to polio and smallpox vaccines (i.e., those diseases were very deadly, whereas this coronavirus is nowhere nearly as virulent, and those vaccines were highly effective, while this vaccine is ineffective).

The U.S. has never mandated that Americans get a vaccine by force, as Clown Cramer implied. The much-cited 1901 SCOTUS case of Jacobson related to the deadly smallpox epidemic, and even it was merely a monetary fine. The vaccines were not mandatory. Jacobson also dealt with a state matter and not a federal mandate. With other childhood diseases, schools do mandate the vaccines. But parents can object or even remove kids for home schooling. The world has never seen what is happening now, which are images of Australian or German “health officials” holding kids and adults down to be vaccinated with a gene therapy that is dangerous and ineffective.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid had Tony Fauci, who was again trying to deflect blame from his own failed strategy and his own NIH-created vaccine. They want us all to focus on the evil people who don’t want to be vaccinated and that that is the reason we have this fourth wave.

These are cornered animals hoping to use propaganda to get them out of a hole. They know that this has all blown up in their faces.

Here is why they will fail. Their only savior would be to have the Biden stooges go back to lockdowns and vaccine mandates. That would validate their farce. However, those policies are killing Democrats in election polls. Therefore, I sense that Fauci et al will get no support from O’Biden. There will be no lockdowns and the federal district courts have destroyed the mandates.

The only ones left to carry on with this failed communist strategy to use vaccines as a way to hurt the opposition will be unelected Fauci and the spineless global companies that are not up for re-election. Therefore, the propagandists will scream louder, sealing the coffin of every Democrat in 2022.

“Don’t you see the danger, John, inherent in what you’re doing here? Genetic power is the most awesome force the planet’s ever seen, but you wield it like a kid that’s found his dad’s gun.”- Dr. Ian Malcolm, ‘Jurassic Park’, 1993.

This could apply to the shortsightedness of Fauci who created the virus in his lab to begin with. It has come back to attack him. The scamdemic has come full circle to eat it’s creators.

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