Complaints about dogs in dog-free grass parks

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Dog on west thames grassUpdate July 22, 2014- This was spotted today. She is likely from FiDi using the lawn as her personal dog sewer.

Dog on West Thames parkApril 30, 2014- Don’t shoot the messenger, dog owners, but we are receiving many complaints about dog owners allowing their pets to use grass lawns as bathrooms. One man wrote, “It seems now that the grass parks are open the dog people ignore the laws and the funds spent on maintaining the grass. Last night at about 11 PM there was a woman who said she was not doing anything. I replied, “This is not a park for dogs. Children play here. Dogs have there own park.”.  It is only the beginning.”

The vast majority of dog owners are considerate. However, a few bad owners can jeopardize it all.

Of note, the West Thames grass field is hit the hardest by this problem. People from FiDi come over late at night and allow their dogs to urinate at the foot of the Rector Street Bridge (another reason to tear that monstrosity down).

Please send us your photos and comments.

Inept PEP allow dogs to urinate on West Thames field killing grass

Letter to the Editor: The Rector Street Bridge should come down, and don’t build another one!

Tear down the Rector Street bridge

Dogs on rector park


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One Response to Complaints about dogs in dog-free grass parks

  1. Name withheld says:

    the doggie sewer is baaaack

    Can you please put on the website the name, email and number for people to contact re: hosing down the sidewalks – both in front of gateway from taxi stop to southwest. I just dropped my son off at camp and had to hold my hand over my face from Citibank rack until the BPC rx – the stench was overwhelming.

    Also, very bad right behind gateway on the esplanade so that might be BPCA’s territory.

    I would be happy to call them incessantly until the problem is taken care of.


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