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May 26, 2015- the MarinaGate has not helped. The Post reports, “Gov. Cuomo’s popularity rating has dropped to its lowest point ever amid Albany corruption scandals and fierce fights over education policy, according to a poll released Tuesday.
Cuomo’s favorability rating dipped to 53 percent from 56 percent in April, the Siena College poll found. Voters who disapproved of the governor jumped to 44 percent from 39 percent.
It was just a year ago, June 2014, that the Democratic governor was riding high with a 63-31 percent approval score.
Cuomo’s job approval also dived deeper into negative territory. Only 41 percent of voters gave him a thumbs up for job performance, 59 percent said he wasn’t doing a good job. Last month, Cuomo had a 44-55 percent job approval rating.”