The CEO of New York Road Runners pushed out?

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May 13, 2015- BPC residents were recently outraged when a half-marathon organized by the New York Road Runners deviated from their promised plan and created a loud cheering noise menace for hours (see video). This is not the first time that the NYRR’s have done something controversial.

The WSJ reports that the CEO, Mary Wittenberg, was stepping down, “Her tenure, however, was not without its challenges. When Superstorm Sandy struck New York City days before the 2012 New York marathon, city officials and Ms. Wittenberg initially said the race would go on—then reversed course, essentially stranding runners who had traveled from abroad to run. That decision was followed by weeks of criticism from the running community and tense talks with the race’s insurers, ultimately leading NYRR to issue a refund to would-be race participants, in a departure from its official policy.”.

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