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October 8, 2010
Today, on ABC’s Good Morning America show, fired CNN anchor Rick Sanchez made a highly-coached, insincere, mea culpa about his comments that Jews run the media and comedian Jon Stewart is a bigot. However, did he work in another anti-Semitic comment as he was apologizing about anti-Semitic comments? At the 7:00 mark of this video, Mr. Sanchez makes what seems to be a thinly veiled reference to a Jewish “wealthy lady” in Boca Raton who refused him drinking water as a kid. You decide.
We have seen just a few seconds of Mr. Sanchez over the years. His appearance on GMA demonstrated body language of a man in love with himself and making a perfunctory apology for his anti-Semitic comments. As Fox’s Bill O’Reilly pointed out, Mr. Sanchez accuses people of bigotry quite often, but these latest comments were likely just a good excuse to fire a man with poor ratings and bad journalism skills.