Durst botches the name of WTC Tower 1

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Freedom Tower 6-22-2013June 24, 2013- If you have trouble saying the name of the most important skyscraper in the world, you are not alone. What once was called The Freedom Tower is undergoing a branding change before it opens. The Durst corporation now prefers the bland sterile name of One World Trade Center.

The WSJ reports, “The tallest building at the World Trade Center site is in the midst of a bit of an identity crisis as it nears completion. While the development’s name was officially changed to One World Trade Center in 2009, many still refer to it as the Freedom Tower, the name it was given in 2003 when the trauma from the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack was still fresh……”Not for long,” says Douglas Durst, whose organization became a partner in the project, with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, in 2010. He says the old name is fading quickly and, most important, there’s no confusion among prospective tenants. “We’re talking to a lot of people and it doesn’t come up,” he says…..But Freedom Tower still sticks with many members of the public.”

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