Exclusive: Ballfield staff now work directly for the BPCA, not the BPC Parks Conservancy

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Ballfields 2 3-8April 8, 2015- By Steven E. Greer

At the April 7th CB1 meeting, a BPCA employee named Freddy Belliard attended and answered questions about he ballfield permitting process, which is now being opened up to sports leagues outside of BPC. Mr. Belliard had previously worked for the BPC Parks Conservancy, a legally distinct entity from the BPCA.

Freddy BelliardWe have learned that all of the blue-shirted ballfield staff now work for the BPCA, and not the BPC Parks Conservancy. This is part of a bigger change with the ballfields that includes allowing outside sports leagues to apply for ballfield permits.

Mr. Belliard confirmed that the Summer and Fall permitting process for the ballfields will allow applications from all over the city, and not just the Little League, Downtown Soccer League, or Manhattan Youth. Former State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver had been the chief protector of the aforementioned leagues, but his federal indictment has weakened his political clout.

It seems to be open season on the ballfields. It is a Post-Sheldon-Silver era Downtown.

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2 Responses to Exclusive: Ballfield staff now work directly for the BPCA, not the BPC Parks Conservancy

  1. amanda says:

    I don’t think this is a good thing for the community. There is already not enough space for the growing community for recreational activities.

    These fields are financially supported by the residents of Battery Park, so why should we be supporting for-profit groups from outside the community? The BPCA has already been clear in their actions, that they are not community focused.

    Will we find out that organizers of these private groups from other neighborhoods are contributors to Cuomo’s election coffers. Bad for the community all around.

  2. Editor says:

    Yes. Political connections and campaign donations will influence the RFP’s.

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