Greer v. The Lancet 4:23-cv-03761 S.D. Tex.

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October 1, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD

More than two-years ago, in June of 2021, I filed a lawsuit against New York Governor Cuomo’s Department of Health, which was led by Commissioner Howard Zucker, MD. New York was violating records request laws and not giving us data on the number of people who died in New York hospitals (i.e., patients who had COVID and were mechanically ventilated). That case is now in appeals court pending a hearing soon (Cortex Television v. New York State Dept Health, Index No. 318612 (Sup. Ct., Albany Cnty. 2022)

However, I was able to get the data I sought elsewhere, from the New York City Health and Hospitals. Using that, I collaborated with Albert Wu, MD, MPH of Johns Hopkins and Peter Pronovost, MD, PhD, formerly of Johns Hopkins, to write a manuscript for submission to a major medical journal.

The findings were startling. The COVID pandemic became recognized in January of 2020. Around March is when someone, likely Commissioner Zucker, decided to create policy that led to murder (i.e., intentionally killing someone). One of these policies was to intubate people who were supposedly diagnosed with COVID (we now know that most people diagnosed were falsely labeled as COVID because the government reimbursed the hospitals more), place them on mechanical ventilation, but then not monitor the ventilator. They even withheld vital life support, such as food and fluids.

From March through May of 2020, the number of deaths among the COVID-positive ventilated patients treated at one of the 11 New York public hospitals skyrocketed (see Figure 1 above). Nurse whistleblowers began to speak out on social media and these deadly policies subsided. The data show that the deaths could only be attributed to human design and not the COVID virus.

In 2023, I tried to get our vitally important findings published. JAMA rejected the paper for no reason even though they had published a far inferior paper in 2020. I then went to The Lancet, which had published previous papers touching upon these ventilator deaths. The Lancet first accepted our manuscript for early online publishing, but then they rejected it. There was no reason given for the reversal.

I then filed a federal lawsuit in the Southern District of Texas (i.e., the 5th Circuit) against The Lancet for violating my right to free press and speech, as well as fraud and conspiracy to fraud (Greer v The Lancet 4:23-cv-03761 S.D. Tex.). In addition, I charged them with Conspiracy to Violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by selectively killing people of color (more than 80% of the victims were non-white). You can read the complaint here.

We know from the case of Missouri v Biden that The White House, Tony Fauci, et al all directly colluded with social media to censor opposing views on the pandemic. In a deposition, Fauci mentioned The Lancet many times.

President Trump’s Warp Speed federal apparatus had created a vast propaganda machine led by the NSA. It published completely fabricated studies. Robert Kennedy, Jr. speaks of this.

For example, one such paper was in The Lancet and claimed that hydroxychloroquine was unsafe. It caused the FDA to revoke the emergency use authorization, which made the Pfizer and Moderna gene therapies the only therapeutic option. However, the research group behind the paper was a fake operation and the papers were retracted, but the damage was done. Billions of people around the world were prevented from getting lifesaving drugs that worked against COVID.

By The Lancet turning into a government propaganda tool, it committed fraud. The Lancet cannot pretend to be trustworthy “peer-reviewed” literature while actually being government propaganda. It is also guilty of conspiracy to commit fraud, I allege.

I attached the ventilator paper submitted to The Lancet as an exhibit in the federal case. It is now published in a far better way than a medical journal. It is public federal record.

You can read the entire paper here. This is the first time that I have made these results known to the public.

A reasonable person would infer that unnecessary deaths occurred and the weapons of harm were mechanical ventilators. There must be a full investigation by states and federal authorities.

What happened to Howard Zucker after his evil acts during the pandemic? He was promoted and is now a senior official at the CDC.

What happened to Governor Cuomo? He was pushed out under the pretext of sexual scandals. However, these deaths that I uncovered (I also broke the nursing home death scandals, which is part of a different federal case.) were the real reason, I believe. I have been working with the New York U.S. Attorney, FBI, and HHS Inspector General for two-years (Ironically, the lawyer defending The Lancet is a former New York U.S. Attorney).

For interview requests, feel free to contact me by email

Update October 24, 2023-

I filed a complaint of judicial misconduct in the 5th Cir. Click here for the document. It explains everything.

Of note, the federal courts take these seriously. The 5th Cir. just fired a judge last week.

Update October 27, 2023-

I am officially in the 5th Cir. now (the court that ruled on Missouri v Biden). See here. I expedited things by two-years. Now, I will enjoin The Lancet to publish the ventilator death paper.

Update October 30, 2023-

The Texas federal judge just sent me this today.

“Good morning Mr. Greer, I wanted to reach out to let you know that an amended order would be added to the docket in this case today. The original order filed on 10/20/23 stated that this case is dismissed with prejudice. The amended order will state that the case is dismissed without prejudice.”

Without me asking, he is reconsidering his order and changing it. He realized he opened up my case to go to the 5th Cir and is rescinding his own order.

This is very unusual. Even if I had motioned to reconsider, judges almost never do so.

However, the judge is still incorrect. There should be no order at all. A voluntary dismissal is a matter handled only by the clerk and not by a judge.

Now, what do I do? I think it is a waste of time to refile in Houston, even if the judge recuses. Houston is the epicenter of Warp Speed and my de facto defendants are the government Warp Speed teams. Last week, the Texas House could not even manage to rescind vaccine mandates because of the medical complex that is the primary employer in Houston.

Over the weekend, a lawyer saw the developments above (i.e., me going to the 5th Cir.) and volunteered to help. If I refile, I will need real lawyers.

December 3, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD

My Appellant Brief was filed. Here it is.

February 16, 2024-

The Opinion came in and I won. The lower court decision was vacated and the case was sent back (remanded) to be heard properly. Here is the Opinion. Here is the Lower Court Order.

April 14, 2024-

As a direct result of this litigation, and lobbying, The House initiated the process of holding a hearing to interview the editors of The Lancet, Nature, and Science. However, The Lancet and Nature refused to participate.


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