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Update November 10, 2013- The NY Post called us about the story, below, and ran their own version today, “The head of the Battery Park City Authority admitted he intentionally allowed Hurricane Sandy floodwaters to inundate a historic city pier — a controversial move that could soak taxpayers. Dennis Mehiel, speaking to the authority’s board at an Oct. 22 meeting, admitted workers were ordered to remove sandbags from the doors and windows of Pier A because he didn’t want the barricade to trap seawater inside. “It just seemed like a fraudulent FEMA claim. None of it made sense to me,” said Dr. Steven Greer, a surgeon and local activist who attended the meeting.”
Since FEMA and Homeland Security would not comment on the ongoing investigation, the editors decided to remove references to that aspect of the story.
November 1, 2013- By Steven E. Greer
The Inspector General of Homeland Security, which oversees FEMA and fraudulent claims relating to Hurricane Sandy, is now officially investigating The Battery Park City Authority for intentionally allowing Pier A to flood during Hurricane Sandy, one year ago. Recall, at the most recent BPCA board meeting, the BPCA Chairman/CEO Dennis Mehiel proudly commented how he decided to remove sandbags around Pier A and “Let this thing flood”.
Stay tuned for more details. “We inform”.
BPCA intentionally allowed Pier A to flood, collects FEMA money
Exclusive: Asphalt Green springs a $1.5 Million leak. Engineer promoted at BPCA.
Exclusive: BPCA hired employment lawyer to investigate complaints by employees
Did the Chairman/CEO of the BPCA investigate himself?
Exclusive: BPCA President Demitrios Boutris resigns amidst internal investigation
Letter: BPCA is a Greek fiefdom
Online petition: Battery Park City Authority: Stop the corruption