The BS still refuses to post correction on Banksy story

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January 15, 2014- Apparently doubling down in their mistake hoping to revise history with propaganda, the Broadsheet (BS) is still refusing to acknowledge that the painted over fake Banksy was a fake. Today, and every day for weeks, the BS is anonymously posting, “White Out: Weeks after acclaimed (and anonymous) street artist Banksy allegedly emblazoned a FiDi wall (below) with his trademark stencil work, the piece had been erased by a field of fresh white paint (above). Whether Banksy was one-upped by acolytes of Kazimir Malevich or ­Barnett Newman, or a unionized maintenance worker, we will ask you to decide…”

Caroline Press and Matt Fenton are listed as the BS editors.

Fake Banksy painted overDecember 19, 2013- The fake Banksy was painted over.

Banksy on GreenwichNovember 6, 2013- In an astonishing gaffe, the Broadsheet (BS) has reported on multiple occasions that the publicity stunt on Greenwich Street adjacent to the 3LD performing arts center is a genuine piece of Banksy art. On Monday, “Pulitzer” Matt Fenton posted his first incorrect story. Fine, people make mistakes. However, then again on Wednesday, he doubled down, asserting again that the artwork was authentic.

On November 6th, Mr. Fenton wrote, “Correction: The article in Monday’s BS, November 4, “Existencilism: Did Banksy Bid Farewell to New York with a Last-Minute Mural in FiDi?” referred to graffiti art that appeared on Greenwich Street on the morning of November 1.  The mural actually appeared on Thursday, October 31, which makes it more likely to be an authentic Banksy, since he ended his one-month “residency” in New York City on that date.”

Only in the BS can a “correction” itself be a mistake. Mr. Fenton seems to be unaware that the artist Banksy validates his art by mentioning it on his website. This Greenwich Street art is a fake. It was likely part of a PR stunt to help nearby businesses.

Fake Banksy tag placed on Syms building

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One Response to The BS still refuses to post correction on Banksy story

  1. BPCResident says:

    Did Fenton remove the Nov 6th post? I don’t see it now.

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