Gigi Li pulls out of District Leader race

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Gigi LiJuly 30, 2015- DNAinfo reports that Gigi Li is no longer running for the District Leader elected position because she could not get enough people to sign her petition. The article states, “Objections to Li’s candidacy were raised earlier this month, when the signatures she collected were called into question. Candidates must collect signatures from 500 registered voters in order to be placed on the ballot. The Board of Elections was scheduled to hear the objections Wednesday, it confirmed last week. The BOE did not immediately respond to a request for comment. According to a lawsuit filed in New York Supreme Court on July 17, there were irregularities in Li’s campaign petition, including inaccurate or false residency and voter registration information and forged signatures. “I want to be clear that the accusations of fraud are false and played no role in my withdrawal, and I want to thank all of my hardworking volunteers who devoted themselves to the civic process with integrity,” she said in her statement.”

With Ms. Li out of the race, this leaves incumbent District Leader Jenifer Rajkumar as the likely winner.

Ms. Li, Chair of the CB3, had recently been seen attending a CB1 meeting, making some think that she had even bigger ambitions, such as a run for City Council.


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