Governor Cuomo’s office is once again notified of BPCA wrongdoing

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February 19, 2015- As of February 19, 2015, the BPCA had not posted on its website the date for the February board meeting, if there will be one, or for the March meeting. In addition, no one from the receptionist main line, Dennis Mehiel’s office, Shari Hyman’s office, or any other phone number within the BPCA, was answering the phone. We even tried personal cell phones to no avail.

This pattern of behavior (not answering phones, not posting meeting dates, etc.) started in December as a result of the public outcry over the handling of the marina RFP. Recall, the BPCA decided to ouster Mike Fortenbaugh, despite outcry from elected officials and the community, and replace him with Brookfield Property and IGY Marina.

We decided to once again notify Governor Cuomo’s office of this violation of the Open Meeting law by the BPCA, which is an agency controlled by the governor.

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