Governor’s Island runs out of water

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line to leave Governors IslandJune 1, 2014- The Post reports, “There’s water, water everywhere on Governors Island — but hardly a drop to drink.

On Memorial Day weekend, vendors in the 172-acre island’s new park space ran out of water bottles and people were forced to buy diet soda, park advocates say. There were out-of-order signs on fountains and spray showers, and signs warning not to drink water from the rest rooms. That’s because the former military base doesn’t have a drinkable water system. In 2010, city officials planned for a $4.5-million project to route water to the island. The cost climbed to $15 million in 2013, when planners began building the water pipe under Brooklyn’s Buttermilk Channel. Elizabeth Rapuano, of the Trust for Governors Island, said the system should be completed by the end of the summer — ending a decades-long drought.”

Review: Governor’s Island is a miserable experience from start to finish

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