Gypsy cabs illegally soliciting people crossing Vesey Street by Goldman Sachs

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January 13, 2012

If you have been harassed lately by gypsy cab drivers, out of their car and soliciting clients, as you walk across Vesey Street from the WFC toward Goldman Sachs, you are not alone. As the new restaurants open, they have increased in boldness. A pedestrian can be hustled with the secret “Pssst, need a cab?” four to seven times on one crossing. The scene reminds one of a third world country.

The NYPD are aware of this problem and will be cracking down. Notify the First precinct community affairs officers if you have any problems.

In this photo, all of the people are cab drivers. There are at least seven of them whispering and soliciting fares.

(click image to expand)

Gypsy cabs illegally soliciting fares in front of Goldman Sachs on Vesey Street

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One Response to Gypsy cabs illegally soliciting people crossing Vesey Street by Goldman Sachs

  1. Judith says:

    Actually saw this in action Monday night (1/9) around 8:40 pm as I was returning from Whole Foods. I was in the corridor by Goldman Sachs and one gypsy cab driver went up to a young Goldman employee who had just left the building to solicit business. Made me yearn for the good ole days when the neighborhood was less upmarket ;-).

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