Hollywood set to oppose Hillary Clinton again

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Hillary CuomoJanuary 25, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD

In 2007, Hollywood powerbroker David Geffen gave an interview to the New York Time’s Maureen Dowd, which could have been the deciding factor that propelled Barack Obama into the White House. At the time, Hillary Clinton was the sure thing to become the Democratic nominee. Barack Obama was an obscure senator.

In the article, Mr. Geffen threw Hillary under the bus, saying, “Everybody in politics lies, but (the Clintons) do it with such ease, it’s troubling.”, and, ““Obama is inspirational, and he’s not from the Bush royal family or the Clinton royal family. Americans are dying every day in Iraq. And I’m tired of hearing James Carville on television.”.

Well, what is now be the worst nightmare for Mr. Geffen and his other Hollywood elite is the thought of Hillary Clinton finally claiming her rightful thrown in the Oval Office, and exerting her full vindictive powers of revenge against Mr. Geffen et al. So, Hollywood is already preparing for a war.

The WSJ reported that a party of the most influential leaders in Hollywood, such as Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg (business partner of Mr. Geffen), and Sony’s Michael Lynton, raised $600,000 to help New York’s Governor Cuomo, even though he is far from declaring interest in running for president.

The wheels are in motion. Hollywood will be opposing Hillary Clinton once again. It’s The makers of the Fellowship of the Ring against Sauron.

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