Huge water junk in South Cove

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DSC00359March 9, 2013

The South Cove and North Coves are magnets for flotsam that come down from the Hudson. These huge planks were the largest seen in memory. We thought that they might even be some intentional construction project, but they were just junk.

A person familiar with the parks explained, “It is just harbor junk. There are old piers on government owned locations around the harbor that calve off lumber on a regular bases.

These should be reported as hazards to navigation so they will be picked up.; Either ACE or Department of Environmental Protection (DEC). DEC has the best retrieval record but, depending on size, they may need ACE help.”

If you see this type of problem, report it to the parks staff at (212) 417-3100



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2 Responses to Huge water junk in South Cove

  1. Pat Smith says:

    When will the South Cove quay be repaired?

  2. Editor says:

    Not sure , but you can email the BPCA and inquire


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