I support the Girl Scouts

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chris rock oscars girl scout cookies apMarch 15, 2016- by Steven E. Greer

The Girl Scouts have been everywhere this year. Chris Rock even placed them front and center on the Oscars stage.

In my own neighborhood, they seemed to have had a bigger presence too. For the first time, I was able to buy some cookies directly from a Girl Scout. I normally have to go to the black market to find them, or buy them from a parent at work instead of the actual Girl Scout.

Yesterday, I got a knock on my door. I opened it and saw nothing, until I looked down. It was two girls, about eight and six-years-old, delivering my cookies. They could not have been cuter.

They were smiling, exhibiting great hospitality. Then, there was a pause. I thought that maybe I owed them money or something, but they were just about to explain the details of the cookies, how many were in each box, etc. They seemed to be enjoying the experience of delivering the final product.

There needs to be more organizations like The Girl Scouts to teach future women about business, managing money and inventory, and personal skills. There needs to be fewer bad role models for girls that we see in the pop music and reality TV industries.

I told this story to my mother and she said that she was a Girl Scout. I had no idea.

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