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May 22, 2020- by Steven E. Greer, MD
In this segment, I am the first person in news media to predict that we could see results from the WHIP trial on prophylactic use of hydroxychloroquine and that it would be more important to the economy than a vaccine. Stay tuned.
I then explain why social distancing has not achieved anything in the way of reducing the virus spread and that the country needs to end lock-downs now.
Also, callers said that I should run the CDC!
Then, after the show, this woman called in:
They’re gonna have to syndicate you.
Just heard the interview and the calls you answered.
You’re smokin’ hot, man
Email from a listener sent to Piscopo:
“BTW Joe and Frank, Dr. Greer is ” The Real Deal “, if you know what I mean. Not “Hollywood Fauci “. Dr. Greer really is fabulous, if you could get him on more often, it would be a huge sevice to us all! Word gets around from your show, and people are being helped!
Did you notice how Dr. Greer returned the compliment, that ” you ” are doing a great job! So true! “