Kutsher’s Tribeca

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186 Franklin St.  212-431-0606

(This restaurant has not yet been reviewed)  Please post your comments in the section below.

BatteryPark.TV was invited to lunch at the new Kutsher’s Tribeca. Lunch service just began a few days ago and we dined with co-owners Zach Kutsher and Alan Wilzig. The hamburger and Reuben sandwiches were quite delicious (Our full review will follow soon).

Owners Zach Kutsher, left, and Alan Wilzig, right

The Reuben


The New York Post wrote this review.

Alan Wilzig wrote to us: “Being in commercial banking for 20 years , and living in Manhattan all the while, I saw that “hot restaurants” came and went like the breeze, but that most Greek diners, fast food, and The 2nd Ave Deli were all consistently successful operations. Living here in Tribeca for 12 years, every time I wanted a decent pastrami sandwich I had to ride my electric motorcycle SUPER far East to get to Katz’s. I felt like each time I rode there they moved it another avenue closer to the East River.

Given the massive influx of residents here, and with the ideal “family-demographics” and new office towers, it just felt “too-right” not to be an active participant. Moreover,  Zach and I spent over a year together every day developing the concept (and he spent plenty of time on it before he ever came to me !) – and all the while he was FULL OF ZEAL and PASSION……but not “full of himself”:  No giant ego ; no hubris.

That’s very rare – to see someone so FIRED UP yet so willing and receptive to suggestion and cooperation / inclusion of other’s ideas.

It’s just a perfect working partnership. Lastly – I really DID see when he was brought “home to the hotel” as a newborn baby 38yrs ago.

Mark, Zach’s dad, and Milton his late grandfather, were all on our Board at my bank for 10 years each. So there is no family on earth (aside from my own , naturally) that I know, love , or trust more than the Kutsher family.

Lastly, we both know there is a big “gap” between diners, fast food, pizza, and the “once a month destination” like Nobu or Mr. Chow type establishments in Tribeca. Bubby’s has a long history here. Walkers and Landmarc help occupy this “middle space” to a certain degree, but I felt that our price point and quality would fill an unmet need. The Chef is well known to our partner Jeff Chodorow, and so we knew the quality and creativity would be unprecedented for a “New York- Jewish” upscale cuisine.”


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