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April 21, 2015- By Steven E. Greer
I dislike eating at Hudson Eats for many reasons. First, the food is bad at some of the places. But more importantly, I can’t stand the awkward game of chicken that happens when I pay for a Mighty Quinn’s meal and am given a receipt with a tip option. Do I stand my ground, or do I cave into the extortion and tip for service that is not supposed to demand a tip in order to avoid the shameful looks of the lowly paid employees?
I have noticed that Le District does not engage in this new trend among food service companies that uses iPads to shame one into tipping. When you cash out at Le District, one just pays the amount. No tip shaming takes place.
BatteryPark.TV is a strong supporter of raising the minimum wage. Customers should have to subsidize employees that are paid an unsustainable wage.
Expanding on that, tips in general should be abolished. It is antiquated system. Danny Meyer seriously considered abolished them.