SouthWestNY adds new exhaust equipment

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Update October 2, 2013- As a result of BatteryPark.TV reporting, the CB1 requested the owner of SouthWestNY to speak to the board about the complaints from the community (bel0w). Abraham Merchant explained that they have now installed a device to remove the smoke that was billowing out. They installed a Smog-Hog that seems to be working. They have also replaced a noisy rooftop exhaust fan with a quieter one.

Regarding the noise from the diners, heard through the open windows of the restaurant, it was mentioned that the windows should be closed at 10:00. Regarding the discarding of buckets of grease into the sewer drains, Mr. Merchant had no explanation, and promised that it would not happen again.

Evan Lacher of the CB1 stated that he has seen a drop-off in the number of complaints about the restaurant since the changes were made.

Update September 5, 2013- SouthWestNY has ordered new exhaust pipes and filters to address the massive amounts of burnt meat smoke.

Update September 3, 2013- By Steven E. Greer

At the monthly BPC subcommittee of the CB1 tonight, more residents than usual attended. Four different people expressed outrage over the noise coming from the open patio windows of SouthWestNY restaurant at night. The filth on the sidewalk created by the trash was also a gripe, as was the burning meat fumes that are improperly exhausted.

CB1 Co-Chair Anthony Notaro promised to bring the complaints to the attention of the restaurant. CB1’s Evan Lacher also mentioned the importance of filing a complaint with 311, because the paper trail gives their committee ammunition to act.


August 17, 2013- Letter from Rickmond Anderson

While SouthWestNY is appreciated as a new restaurant, they are not the best neighbor. First, one wonders if their ventilation on their roof meets code.  Often, there are billows of smoke coming out of their roof.  It is so thick that it leaves a blue haze and smell at Albany and South End.

Then, the noise from their open windows can be heard a block away on a warm night.

Now, we have caught them dumping their grease into the city sewers, as shown in these pictures.  These pictures were taken August 16th, at 7:30 AM.

Can something be done to make them a better neighbor?

R. Anderson

Albany Street resident.

PS.  The sewer drain is now full of grease. This is still a flood zone.  A clogged drain is increasing the risk of damage during heavy rain and/or major storm.  I would think they are liable to pay for cleaning out the city drain?

SouthWestNY dumping grease


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4 Responses to SouthWestNY adds new exhaust equipment

  1. Minnie says:

    Merchant’s– When the post 9/11 planners wanted to turn downtown into a 24/7 neighborhood, I don’t think they had Merchant’s Southwest, or Merchant’s anything, on the corner of Albany and South End Avenue in mind. In the twenty-five years I have lived here, there have always been local restaurants which served as an amenity and refuge in our neighborhood.

    The noise is the first problem, especially in a residential neighborhood, with infants, so many, working adults, amplified by the architecture, the location. The bad music (did anyone ever go to any Merchant’s for the music?), the open windows, crowded patios, the screaming often drunk customers, front, side, and now the back, everyone shouting because no one can hear anything, the smoke, the smell, smoking (including weed from the back, possibly the staff) could not possibly have been part of the approval process.

    Sometimes it is so crowded, they must exceed the occupancy permit. And then the trash at night–the banging and disorder. After it is picked up, no one cleans up, not even the next morning when compressed garbage has collected on the street, the smell, the rats.

    And the grease–which doesn’t always get in the sewer. Surely that is illegal. What committee would have thought this blight would enhances our neighborhood? I have called both the PEP office and written to BPCA to complain. Nothing has happened.

    The agencies that could help us, such as the Community Board, are the customers, investors, and profiteers Of SouthWestNY.

  2. River Terrace Resident says:

    Can you post Abraham merchants email?

  3. Stephen says:

    Agreed that pouring grease into the sewers is egregious.
    But from a noise perspective, THIS IS NEW YORK CITY!!! Deal with it like everyone else who lives here.
    I hear there’s way less noise in the burbs.

    And if that’s not good enough, wait a couple of months. Everyone will be inside with windows shut tight soon enough.

  4. Deano says:

    Sorry Stephen, but noise pollution is a real problem and we will continue to fight the causes. We pay more in fees to live here anyway. Wouldn’t you like a better return on your investment? You will be thanking us later. You have already seen the effectiveness of this forum and the improvements to our community.

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