Manhattan DA wants to crack down on political corruption

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Cy Vance at police meetingMarch 30, 2015- Aiding the U.S. Attorney, Manhattan’s DA Cyrus Vance Jr. is calling for tougher local laws against political corruption.

The Post reports, “New York state should take a page from federal authorities and get tougher on crooked pols, Manhattan’s top prosecutor said Sunday.

District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. said federal laws on political corruption are far ahead of state codes, allowing US Attorney Preet Bharara to clean up messes the state could just as easily be handling.

“The work that the federal prosecutors have done in New York state has been extraordinarily powerful, and I applaud everything they’ve done,” Vance said.”

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One Response to Manhattan DA wants to crack down on political corruption

  1. JJ says:

    Cy Vance should join Preet Bharara in investigating BPCA’s handling of ” marinagate “

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