Mayor de Blasio still diverting snow plows to the outer boroughs away from Manhattan

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January 27, 2015 (10:30 AM)- By Steven E. Greer

The streets of BPC are still not plowed after the non-blizzard of 2015. Last year, right after mayor de Blasio was sworn in, he began his policy of diverting snow plows away from the “wealthy” in Manhattan to his own neighborhood and the other outer boroughs.

He seems to have continued that policy, because the streets in BPC are still unplowed. In the photo above, the BPC streets have not been touched. Of course, the main artery of Route 9a to the left is plowed, but under Mayor Bloomberg (a billionaire who lives in Manhattan, unlike de Blasio) we always had prompt snow removal of the small side streets in BPC.

BPC residents pay the highest taxes of any neighborhood, and we get no snow plow service? Outrageous.

By the way, where was Mayor de Blasio during Governor Cuomo’s press conference this morning? Was he asleep, as usual? The Mayor unnecessarily shut down the biggest city in the country, despite satellite images showing the “storm” way out to sea, and he needs to be accountable for this bad decision.

The non-blizzard streets not plowed

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One Response to Mayor de Blasio still diverting snow plows to the outer boroughs away from Manhattan

  1. David Smith says:

    Another reason to have a recall vote!

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