Mayor de Blasio’s “Vision Zero” pedestrian safety law is a joke

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Safe crossings at Greer pedestrian plazaJanuary 4, 2016- A local paper reports on how the new “Vision Zero” pedestrian safety law, which was supposed to jail driver’s who run over pedestrians, is joke with almost no enforcement.

The article states, “Only 15 percent of drivers who killed pedestrians or cyclists have been charged under a law designed to increase penalties against drivers in the nearly two years since it took effect, a DNAinfo New York investigation has found.

And only 10 drivers among those who struck and injured 20,082 pedestrians and cyclists were charged under the new law — which was supposed “to give some teeth” to a bundle of laws that are part of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s “Vision Zero” plan to eliminate traffic fatalities.”

Locally, a woman was hit by a car as she crossed South End Avenue, and the driver was never charged. Also, a schoolboy was run over by a BPC Parks Conservancy car, and no one was charged.

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One Response to Mayor de Blasio’s “Vision Zero” pedestrian safety law is a joke

  1. dellajo says:

    That’s because criminal prosecutions cost money. Vision Zero is a revenue generation program designed to blitz city dwellers with tickets for ticky-tack or imagined traffic offenses. Any by that measure it is performing superbly. Tickets are way, way up.

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