More vandalism in West Thames Park

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Basketball rim torn downJune 8, 2015- Because the BPCA has instructed the PEP to not patrol the West Thames field and basketball courts, but rather to stay on property that they consider to be undisputable BPCA property, the teens from local schools have become a menace during lunchtime and after school. Today, one of the basketball rims was torn down.

The problem is so bad now that the school principal for school from where most of the teens come has been seen during the lunch and after school hours monitoring his students at the park. However, until the PEP are instructed to properly patrol West Thames at all times, the problem will continue.

The Captain of the PEP is Paige Lener. She did not take our call. Dennis Mehiel is the CEO and Chairman of the BPCA which pays the city for the services of the PEP. Shari Hyman is the president of the BPCA in charge of day-to-day operations.

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