My Grandmother: a pioneer in education of sorts

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Colleg women in the 1930sFebruary 6, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD

My mother posted the note, below, her site today. It is about her mother’s (my grandmother) 100th birthday. I found it interesting as it relates to women’s education in the 1930’s and 40’s. My grandmother and mother are from Iowa, and her father, my great grandfather, was the Dean of the University of Iowa College of Dentistry.

My mother wrote today: “Today would have been the 100th Birthday of my beloved Mother. I will be celebrating her special day in my head all day today.

She had a brilliant mind, having earned a Masters Degree in English and Foreign Languages. In her era, college educated women were few.

After college she became a High School French and English teacher. It was during her teaching career that she met my Father. It was love at first sight, and they married after just a short three week courtship. And their true love for each other never ended.

Mother gave up her teaching soon after her marriage to become a full-time mom to five children. I am the oldest.

Her English teaching was passed on to us with her insistence of correct grammar and the love of reading.

Sadly, her great and loving mind was stolen from her several years ago, and I lost my Mother and Best Friend to Alzheimer’s in 2007.

I think about her constantly and today I say Happy Birthday, Mother. I miss you and I love you dearly.”

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