Kayak activist causes noise menace on waterways

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Nancy BrousBelow is an email from Nancy Brous, sent on May 7th to her kayak group. She is the person who contacted the Coast Guard to now require four loud horns each time a ferry boat docks at 6:00 AM, awakening thousands of people. 


hi all-

as the boating season gets underway i have been talking with the coast guard about the ongoing issue wherein ferry captains too often fail to use audible signals when they depart their terminals, causing an unsafe situation for ALL marine traffic.

the cg has asked again that our community record and submit reports of these incidents.

i know many of you dont have writing implements at the ready while on the water, but it would be a HUGE help if you can try to make a mental note when on the water of any time you see a ferry depart without signaling, and then report it as follows:

info to include:

location (eg hudson river near 38th street ferry terminal or Fulton Ferry

Landing) ferry operator (eg NY Waterways or East River Ferry) ferry name (typically difficult to see / read but helpful if you can include it) date time direction ferry went (north, south, etc)

better yet, for those of you with video capabilities “on board”, any video with sound that we can submit is worth a thousand words.

it can all be sent to info@nycwatertrail.org and i will forward them in batches to the cg on a weekly or similar basis.

thanks in advance for sharing this with your lists, fellow boaters (including motorized boaters), and for doing your part to make the harbor safer for all users.


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3 Responses to Kayak activist causes noise menace on waterways

  1. BPCblues says:

    Due to hotel guest complaints about the incredibly obnoxious horns from the Battery Park City ferry boats, management has allowed free transfers to the Millenium Hotel on Church Street. What this means is, even rooms on the back side of the hotel in the Goldman Sachs-owned building are impacted by the noise pollution caused by the Coast Guard and kayaker Nancy Brous. The fight against the horns rages on….Please sign the petition!

  2. dat luong says:

    Kindly let me which petition and where to sign it
    Thank you
    Dat Luong

  3. giada pignata says:

    Let’s stop this ridiculous honking every day from 6am to 10pm. For people who lives in battery park city this is terrible! to be awaken every single morning at 6am by the honking and to go to sleep at 10pm still with the noise of the ferries!! my kids cannot sleep until the ferry boats stop their service (10pm) .
    I face the river and i don’t see any kayak passing by .. especially with the snow!!
    People are getting this noise pollution every single day for nothing! there is no sense in all this!

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