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July 23, 2013- By Steven E. Greer, MD
In the July 29th edition of New Yorker Magazine, journalist Nick Paumgarten covered our exclusive story about kayak activists in Midtown forcing the ferry boats docking in Battery Park City to honk their horns four teams at each arrival and departure, starting at 6:00 AM.
Rich people problems. Back up the waaaaambulance.
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Beware on rector park!
Dear Dr. Greer,
My husband and I recently moved to Battery Park City from the Upper East Side. We live in South BPC by the Ritz.
I was so pleased today to have discovered your site after reading the article in the NY Times about ferry boat horns. I have already signed up and I look forward to receiving BatteryPark.TV updates. As a freelance writer, I appreciate how much work a site like yours requires.
Best regards,
This is so annoying for the whole neighborhood and visitors. The peace and tranquility that was so unique and noted about the design of BPC is gone. It is not just about the rich residents. Anybody visiting the park and esplanade is no doubt annoyed. We all hate horns and yes we put up with them but this is constant and out of control and harassment to anybody trying to enjoy the park and esplanade. The commuters are annoyed as well. Hotel guests. Students. Seniors. Police. Nobody likes horns.
Don’t the horns violate the noise ordinance?