Annoying New Yorkers who need to go away in 2014

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People to go away in 2014January 1, 2014– By Steven E. Greer

Well, we made it into yet another year, sound and alive. Congratulations.

How can we make 2014 a better year than the past? For starters, wouldn’t it be nice if certain annoying (or worse than annoying) people just went into retirement this year?

I made a short wish list. Please post your own comments and suggestions.

Pete Wells: Not only is Mr. Wells’ vocation as a newspaper food critic for the New York Times outdated and irrelevant, Mr. Wells is just not good at his job. His typical review is three-times-too-lengthy, and stuffed full of his attempts at creative writing, whereby he makes drive-by snarks about stupid little things no one else would find as problematic.

One of the first things that I read in this new year, unfortunately, was Mr. Wells’ review of the Spanish tapas restaurant, Toro. He dwelled on how the place was “too big” inside, and inconsistent with genuine tapas bars in Barcelona. What a pretentious ars.

Toro NY was designed by great team at New World Design Builders: the ones behind ABC Kitchen and Willow Road. This is Manhattan, not Boston, Pete. The costlier rent mandates more seats (the original Toro in Boston is smaller).

We get it, Pete. You are well traveled, using the corporate credit card, and know all about the Boston Toro. Wow. Now go away, you jackass. No one cares what you think about food, and your entire venue of the NYT is a dinosaur. Go to Yahoo or something, like many of your former NYT colleagues jumping that sinking ship.

Jay-Z and Beyonce: Mr. Z and Ms. Knowles have both grown too old for their acts, and their utter lack of talent is becoming exposed. Beyonce was busted lip syncing so many times in 2013, including at the presidential inauguration, that I lost count.

Jay-Z’s attempt as a graphic artist was a flop with his hideous Brooklyn Nets black court and uniforms. Now, he wants to be a sports agent. Great. Go for it, break a leg, and stay behind the scenes.

Jimmy Fallon: Mr. Fallon was handed the Tonight Show after Lorne Michaels and Ari Emanuel teamed up in a coup and threw out the number one rated Jay Leno. The problem is that Mr. Fallon is neither young nor funny. He is propped up by the full backing of the most powerful agency in Hollywood, to give his show A-list guests, but people don’t tune in for guests. Look for The Tonight Show ratings to be millions of people fewer than the current Leno show, just like Conan’s were.

Sheldon Silver: Last but not least, can we please vote out this creep, Sheldon Silver, in the Fall elections this year? Enough is enough already. Go. Be gone.

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