NY and NJ waste $65 Million of Hurricane Sandy relief on tourism ads

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chris-christie-1Update January 13, 2014- In the wake of the bridge scandal and federal investigations, the Feeds have opening up the case of whether relief funds were misused. CNN reports, “Just days after dismissing two top advisers for their roles in the George Washington Bridge scandal, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is facing questions over the use of Superstorm Sandy relief funds. CNN has learned that federal officials are investigating whether Christie improperly used those relief funds to produce tourism ads that starred him and his family.”

December 18, 2013- The Washington Post reports, “According to Sen. Tom Coburn’s annual roundup of wasteful spending. Among the nearly $30 billion of unnecessary spending that the Oklahoma Republican identified in this year’s “Wastebook” were taxpayer dollars going to……$65 million in Superstorm Sandy emergency relief money that New York and New Jersey spent on television ads promoting tourism.”

NY Post covers BatteryPark.TV story about the FEMA investigation into BPCA

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