Douglas Durst, developer of 1 WTC, claims his brother is a violent deranged man

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Durst on ferryJanuary 3, 2014- The Post reports, “Real-estate titan Douglas Durst has blasted his killer big brother, Robert, as a serial dog-slaying, wastebasket-urinating, pathological monster in a new interview.

Robert Durst remains the only suspect in the killing of his own first wife, Kathleen McCormack, in 1982 and was questioned in the killing of friend Susan Berman in 2000. He was never charged with either death.

Robert moved to Galveston, Texas, and began dressing as a woman to slip into the shadows and was eventually charged with killing and dismembering another buddy, Morris Black. He claimed self-defense and was acquitted of the murder count.

But Douglas Durst reached his own verdict about his brother’s deadly impulses long ago and is convinced he killed McCormack.

To hone his murderous skills, Robert killed several of his own dogs — all malamutes named Igor — before slaying McCormack, Douglas claimed.”

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