Playing Robin Hood: Cuomo and De Blasio fight over how to spend your tax dollars outside of BPC

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Stringer housingJanuary 27, 2016- Playing Robin Hood, Governor Cuomo and Comptroller Stringer have ganged up against Mayor De Blasio in a fight over how to spend your tax dollars outside of BPC on affordable housing projects.

The Daily News reports, “The Cuomo administration Tuesday strongly backed a plan by city Controller Scott Stringer to divert $400 million over 10 years for affordable housing to make needed improvements at the New York City Housing Authority.

But Mayor de Blasio quickly threw cold water on the idea, pitting him against two of his frequent critics.

Stringer, testifying at a joint legislative budget hearing Tuesday, reiterated his call from 2014 to take $40 million a year in surplus money from the Battery Park City Authority and send it to NYCHA.

A 1986 agreement involving the state, City Hall and the city controller guaranteed that the hefty surplus generated from ground leases and payments in lieu of taxes would go toward affordable housing and other capital needs in the city.”

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